Reopening 12th April 2021
There is no denying that 2020 didn’t go quite to plan and 2021 started a little bit wobbly!
With the very brief reopening post lockdown 2.0 in December, the nation was promptly hit by lockdown 3.0 meaning the 3rd closure of MP and one that was set to be another long one.
The light at the end of that tunnel is now looking a little brighter and provided Boris doesn't change direction last minute we are really excited to be reopening once again on Monday 12th April.
The team at Macclesfield Performance have, as always made the best of the less than ideal circumstances and not only have they worked hard to keep their clients healthy and active remotely. They have also been busy making some really exciting plans for MP’s future and the future of our members too.
So, what can you expect to see when you return to Macclesfield Performance in April?
Firstly, the gym has undergone a facelift. The entrance hall has been updated and a new coffee and consultation area has been created downstairs. We are now able to offer our visitors self-service Lavazza Lusso coffee, hot chocolate and tea whenever they wish.
We have also used this lockdown to improve our cloakroom, complete with new hand wash area, new flooring and lockers for safe storage of your belongings. The shower will initially be out of action until restrictions allow for its use, however that too is gleaming!
We have reorganised the gym, adding more equipment for you to enjoy, including additional squat racks, barbells, strong person equipment, tribars, bumpers and dumbbells.
As requested we have also stocked up on protein shakes, bars, BCAAs and energy drinks for you to buy if you wish, which will be located at our new reception area.
All that is left now is for us to open the doors and welcome you back in!
How will Macclesfield Performance run post lockdown 3.0?
Essentially the way in which you can use MP hasn’t changed much at all.
We will continue to run the booking system for members, requesting that you book time slots so we can keep numbers at a safe level to allow for social distancing. These time slots will be no less than 2 hours and you can stay as long as you wish beyond that so long as you are booked.
You do not need to book a “Zone” at Macclesfield Performance any more.
Social distancing is second nature to us all now, members and staff will be expected to continue to follow regulations and will also be expected to keep all equipment clean and very importantly, dry.
Hand sanitiser is provided at the gym and masks will continue to be required when you are not physically exercising or you are moving around the gym.
Will there be classes?
Classes and indoor group training will unfortunately not be an option just yet. However, that does not mean that you can’t meet our coaches for group training outdoors.
A number of our sessions will be lead outside and more information on that is coming to you very soon.
Should you know about anything new that Macclesfield Performance has to offer?
Yes, we are delighted to be launching our club memberships post lockdown 3.0.
You can gain access to coaches, programming and in-house competitions and activities, on a new and exciting membership package that we have created.
For those that have wanted to learn more about weightlifting, strong person, getting healthier, fitter, stronger, powerlifting, or even how to improve your running performance using the gym, you can now join our club membership and have programming and coaching on any of the above.
Club memberships combine your monthly gym membership with that of your coaches training package and offers everyone access to quality information and support when in MP should they want or need it.
All club memberships are just £65.00 per month which is split between the gym and the coach of the club you have chosen. We will be releasing more information on and how to join in a separate blog later this week.
Do you have to be a gym member or club member to attend Macclesfield Performance?
Our gym membership is very competitively priced at just £27.00 per month with no joining fees or cancelation notice periods. Students can gain access to MP on our student membership package for just £20.00 per month by contacting us directly.
However, if you are just passing through Macclesfield or like to train as a non-member you can book your times via our joining system and pay at checkout for a one off visit.
We can not wait to see you all when we reopen on the 12th, if you have any questions in the meantime please use our contact us page and we would be happy to help.