Session Information | Yoga with Emma
Yoga at Macclesfield Performance is lead by EmaYoga and is a disciplined yet light-hearted and enjoyable way to enjoy yoga classes.
Emma mixes Hatha and Vinyasa to stretch, tone and warm the body.
Her classes work every muscle and joint, unlocking greater mobility, flexibility and improve range of motion as well as giving mental calm and focus.
Emma likes to lead pure and simple yoga classes designed to be accessible for anyone - of any age, flexibility or ability. So if you are new to Yoga or looking for a greater challenge, then these classes are for you.
Our weekly small group Yoga classes at Macclesfield Performance are like no other. Combining the energised and exciting environment of Macclesfield Performance while enjoying the benefit of Yoga in an informal, friendly and fun space - “Each class is different and challenging to your own ability.”
Emma’s unique approach to her yoga sessions is precisely why we have asked her to join our team, she can often be found hanging out in Manchester Airport offering Yoga for staff in the busy terminal.
Emma’s energy blends beautifully with Macclesfield Performance and in to the sessions she leads here.
Tuesdays: 09.30-10.20
Morning Fit & Strong Course at Macclesfield Performance
We only have 6 places left on our upcoming morning Fit & Strong course starting on Monday 10th June.
To help you make your decision and to avoid you missing your chance to book your place we have listed below some information about the course.
Course Session Days/Times
Monday & Friday
9.30am - 10.30am
These are programmed 1 hour coached sessions. All course participants will receive 15 weeks of programmed training to help them achieve their goals.
This programme is delivered by our coaches every Monday & Friday at 9.30am in a small group setting and is coupled with a course pack and a private training community on Facebook. It is not essential to have Facebook. We will make sure you are kept up to date with any important information if you do not.
We don’t just stop there, as part of the course you also get 100% access to our entire timetable. Meaning you can attend any classes and open gym sessions at MP for the full 15 weeks as well.
Course Price
The course is £200 upfront or £50 per month for 4 months.
Our courses at Macclesfield Performance are accessible to our “Elite Members” at no extra cost provided they book their place. There are no hidden charges. Therefore all you need to do to secure your place on this course is join as an “Elite” member and book your place before they run out.
Booking is done via email to
You may prefer an upfront payment to help ensure your regular commitment to a fully paid for course. If you are lacking in motivation this is a great way to make sure you show!
If that is the case we also accept the up front payment in full of £200 for your 4 months membership.
What else?
All course attendees are treated to a graduation event at the end of the course. Our latest graduation event was an exclusive photo shoot with fitness photographer Eddie Whitehead Photography. The group were treated to a fun shoot and five of their favorite images professionally presented to keep.
Watch this space for the surprise graduation event for you and your course mates following completion of your course!
All course attendees are also taken through a full movement screening to ensure that their programming is individualised and created specifically for them, their limitations or advances and their goals.
Who can book?
You. All of our courses are open to current members and non-members to book.
No matter your sex, experience, age (so long as you are over 16) you are suitable. We like a challenge. All we ask is you bring your game face, be motivated to work hard and learn.
Our coaches work tirelessly to ensure they deliver the best quality service to you and so in return all they ask is you open heartedly give it what you can. If you put in the time and effort you will reap the rewards.
What if I miss some dates while I am away?
100% attendance is not compulsory, any sessions you have missed will be in your coursework packs. This means you can catch up during open gym, or even take the session away with you to do on your travels if you find a gym. We offer the freedom and resources to you for you to make it work for you!
I have an injury, can I still do this programme?
Of course! This is why we provide you with a movement screening before you start the programme so that we can identify any injuries or muscle imbalances that we need to work with. Our expert coaches will then adapt the programme to suit your needs.
Blog | I Run For My Mental Health
Running gathers many fans and followers for a whole variety of reasons. Whether it’s the thrill of achieving a once thought impossible 5km / 10km / Half or full marathon goal or attempting the punishing ultra-marathon distances.
For others it’s something subtlety different. It’s used as a crux to support and improve their mental health and well-being. Whilst all runners/athletes will go through mentally tough periods to achieve their aims I want to talk about what it means to me and how taking up running has been a positive experience (even with all the small injuries).
I suffer from anxiety; I’ve suffered from depression.
I’ve had good mental health; I’ve had bad mental health.
I’m in a high-pressured job. I have a team of 35 staff I have to look after and I put them out into potentially dangerous situations everyday of their working careers. Overtime this responsibility starts to grate and eventually my anxiety takes over. I’ll second guess my decisions, become more irritable, disconnected and depersonalised from everything around me and suddenly I’m in a whirlpool without being able to stop.
The scary stats about Mental Health are staggering and whilst I don’t want to dwell on figures I think it’s important to show some aspects of the
Suicide is the most common cause of death
for men aged 20-49 years in England and Wales
1 in 15 are estimated to have made a suicide attempt
75% of people with diagnosable mental illness
receive no treatment at all
The World Health Organisation have these stats
800,000 people will die due to suicide this year world wide
2272 per day
In the time of one Tuesday night running club session 94 people will have taken their lives.
Two of my favorite (if there’s such a thing about this subject) quotes about depression are below, one serves to show how I once felt and the other the path to a better place.
“Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced. . . It is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. That very deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different.” – J.K Rowling
“And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – Ronda Rousey
Last year I started with Run Macclesfield on one of their C25Km course. This encouraged me to join the club and get myself active again. From then on I’ve raced multiple 10km’s and recently signed up for my first half marathon. I’ve even signed up for 121 coaching sessions…. although I fleetingly regret those after every painful session.
But… the BIG but for me… the social aspect of running is more important than the events.
I’m not interested in beating my fellow runners. I’m after a good group I want to run with. A social group that understands and supports through the tough steps is key to being in a safe space.
I love running (I also hate running). Being out in your own mind space just worrying about the next step or milestone on your run, not worrying about anything else is ace!
The release from everyday pressure and being able to just focus on the run and to lose yourself within the exercise. There’s nothing better than coming in from a good run. Your exuberant, checking the splits on strava and telling the world how good each step was. Running has even improved my family life. I’m less anxious at home and I have an avenue to release my work pressures. I don’t bring things into the family home and worry my wife. I literally tread them into the pavement or ground them into the dirt when I’m out running.
On the flip side, there’s also nothing worse than coming in from a run having ran slower than the previous. Every step is under analysis and you wonder “how am I worse than my last run?” I’ve come in from runs hating every pain and every ache.
Pain is good, pain is a “feeling” – it’s different to depression. It makes me want to go again and smash that bad run into the ground. Struggle means growth and growth means you’re taking the initiative.
The relationship between sport and good mental health is backed up through many studies and the NHS suggest it alongside Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “CBT”.
Getting up and getting active is so important to give you a goal to achieve. It also…
Reduces stress by lowering the body’s stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. Aerobic exercise can reduce both generalized anxiety and anxiety sensitivity.
You’ll see an increase in body confidence through training, self-esteem and social confidence, as well as determination and resilience.
Running encourages social interaction, both online and in real life. While this can also create anxiety in itself (who hasn’t had the worry that they’re not fast enough to run with a group?)
A social network is so important when dealing with mental health. It encourages speaking out and the hardest first step of accepting it’s okay to not be okay.
I’ve struggled to think of something fitting to close this. However, anxiety, depression and mental health don’t have closing segments. They always have the potential to be raw, open and ready to burst through at any moment. Everyone has scars, but not all are visible. It’s important to have the social support network that I’ve found from my amazing family and through running. However, if you need to there’s nothing wrong in admitting you’re not okay and that you require further help. We need to break the stigma attached to mental health. I encourage anyone who wants to talk about any of the above to feel free to get into contact if they need an ear to talk to.
An update 4/12/18, I’ve been asked to reassess this article and add further comments to it. The good news is with the help of Run Macclesfield coaches I completed my first (and not last) Half Marathon. I ran this with my friend and fellow RM runner Jon Wright. In May we managed to finish the Manchester Half Marathon, following the programme developed by Run Macclesfield / Macclesfield Performance. It’s one of the best things I’ve done and I’m really proud of it. The run was hard, it was 28 degrees at the height of summer. I ended up with a ‘runners vest tan’ for a few months afterwards. For me it was a very personal journey, I’ve struggled with weight and mental health issues for some years and to be able to achieve 13.1 (you can’t forget the .1) miles in one run is something I’ll forever look back on and see it as the start of something new.
Personally my mental health has been on an upward curve. I’ve become more involved in helping others. Having taken a variety of Mental Health First Aid courses (I advise anyone to do these). I’m more involved with helping others at work and in my personal life. I’m in the position to being able to potential trigger signs of any issues and be able to provide support if people want or need it. Whether it’s informal support or more direction to any relevant charity or NHS care. If anyone wants further information I’m more than happy to provide it.
I struggled to find an ending to this last time but now I’d like to think that the ending is more clearer. I’ve got a distinct route to improving myself and to help others. If anything I’ve been through can help anyone I think that’s the best ending for the article I can say.
Testimonial | Client Amy
I had just been asked by my beautiful size 6 friend to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. Standing next to 5 other beautiful ladies who wore dress size 10 on a bad day… in my head I was a large size 14, in reality I was a large size 16 and had been getting larger slowly for the past few years.
In the past I had reached a small size 12 by over exercising and limiting my food intake, but this method was failing me and the thought of being the fat bridesmaid filled me with dread!
MP Coach Dom and I talked about past diets and current eating habits. I kept food diaries and Dom even went through my cupboards & fridge and even took me round Tesco’s. This was not to reprimand, shame or catch me “cheating”, it was to understand my relationship with food and this formed the beginning of my re-education. Dom helped me to see that food isn’t something to feel bad or guilty about, it isn’t to be used as a treat after a bad day at work, or to be restricted to weekends and it isn’t something to stress about. Food should work for me, not against me!
Dom has never told me what I can or can’t eat, but rather given me guidelines and helped me to understand what food does to my body and this has allowed me to learn how to be the healthy. I have re-found my love for cooking, previously telling Dom that I found cooking “too time consuming” and therefore “couldn’t possibly fit it into my day”. I still eat chocolate and drink wine, but not everyday and in a conscious way, I certainly do not feel deprived or “on a diet”. My food bills are lower and my food waste at the end of the week negligible in comparison. My body just feels better, I can train harder and for longer, I am far less tired and fed up and my food based guilt has reduced too.
I eventually started seeing Dom for nutrition once a month, to keep things on track, there was no quick fix and the good habits slide every now and again, but knowing the basics of good nutrition has allowed me to keep control over my eating and bring things back in check without panicking.
Fitness has not been as much of an issue for me as I have always been active.
No class or PT has ever been the same at Macclesfield Performance, the exercises are explained and supervised to a high standard. At the end of each class you go away smiling with a feeling of achievement. The other people at MP are all friendly and because we share the same overall goals we therefore share in everybody’s achievements along the way.
Looking back there have been several moments when I have been thankful that I found MP.
I was not the fat bridesmaid at my friend’s wedding, I bought a size 10 pair of jeans, my belly doesn’t jiggle when I run. I stood next to 10 other skinny girls in bikinis and felt ok. I fit all the small clothes in my wardrobe, most importantly I can look at photos of myself and see me instead of seeing my fat!