Run Macclesfield | T-Group
T-Group coach & main contact Natalie
Our “T-group” is programmed and led by UKA qualified coach Natalie.
Each session is suitable for runners able to run an average pace of 10-min/mile or faster over 5km.
T-Group is a 40-60 minute group running session, with a different focus each week. From road to trail, intervals to endurance, uphill to downhill running and high to low intensity – every week your coach Nat will lead you through a progressive running programme providing guidance and feedback on running technique and intensity.
Our routes are a minimum of 3-miles, but for the speedier runners in the group our ‘loop back’ drill gives an opportunity to cover more miles in the session.
Our main session is always sandwiched between a thorough warm-up and cool down and depending on the session plan, some running drills too!
If you would like to know more about T-Group and wether this group is suitable for you, contact Natalie on 07793 018123.
Want to know more about Natalie?
Subscribe to our blog to be updated on all our group sessions at Macclesfield Performance and Run Macclesfield.
Course | Couch To 5km June 2019
Running can be a scary thought if you’ve never done it before. Where do you start? How much should you do? Where should you run?
There are so many questions that are sometimes off putting enough if your confidence is already a little low.
At Run Macclesfield & Macclesfield Performance we aim to take all the unknown away to make it as simple and as exciting as possible for you to lace those trainers up and get started! So we developed our Couch To 5km course.
What is the c25km course?
Our C25km is a progressive 8 week course, under the tutelage of our two UKA accredited Running Coaches, Emma & Natalie and a UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) Rich. Who endeavour to offer you full support and programming during your learning period. We have been leading Couch To 5km Courses in Macclesfield for 5 years and our excitement for getting newbie runners to that 5km marker never fades!
The support at our C25Km courses doesn’t stop with the bare bones of the session plans and weekly group runs. Your coaches and LiRf are on hand throughout the 8 weeks to offer you all kinds of support; ranging from advice on footwear, correct running form, warm up and cool down help, training tips and so much more. The course also includes 8 weeks of “core strength” sessions to attend if you wish as part of your course content amongst lots of other helpful hints and tips along the way - laying you the perfect foundations for your new found healthy hobby.
History has proven with all of our previous C25Km courses that by end of the course you'll be tackling the distance without a moment’s thought, a fully fledged and more than capable 5km runner!
Yes - YOU!
Your course content includes two coached runs a week, Monday and Wednesday evenings at 18:30. Meeting at Macclesfield Performance on Gunco Lane, Macclesfield, and a homework run to do in your own time. Don’t worry if you aren't able to attend every single session as we have plans in place to ensure you never fall behind.
Over the last 5 years we've delivered 15 courses with over 250 course graduates. These runners have gone to achieve plenty more impressive milestones and goals with us. These include…
Continuous weekly club running with Run Macclesfield.
Involvement in other courses at Run Macclesfield & Macclesfield Performance
Park Run participation.
10km obstacle courses and local events.
Regular trail running.
Half Marathons - both road and trail.
Marathons - both road and trail.
Regular gym attendance at Macclesfield Performance.
Fat loss, better health, new found self-confidence and improved physical fitness.
We are immensely proud of all our runners and to help new runners go from strength to strength is one of our favorite things to do.
Check out some of these testimonials.
+ Jules thinks....
C25Km with Run Macclesfield was a fantastic opportunity and experience. The coaches were extremely knowledgeable, they kept an eye on your running form so they could advise you how best to improve or tweak things. The warm ups and cool downs were fantastic and the course worked! Never in a million years did I think I would be able to run 5 kilometers, now I'm doing it regularly! Most importantly... I'm enjoying doing it.
+ Rory says...
For years I tried to run 5km but I always ended up walking bits. The Run Macclesfield C25KM helped me crack how it was done and build it up. It has also been a great way to meet lots of fab people in Macclesfield.
+ Julia has found...
Joining Couch To 5km with Run Macclesfield has been a personal game changer for me. I really enjoyed the training sessions they were incredibly professional, very friendly and lots of fun. The coaches are so inclusive and so encouraging. I can now run 5km without stopping and even get up a few cheeky hills. I have continued to attend the club nights and also run with a few other of the couchers who I met on the course. Running is my new passion!
+ Jayne feels...
For me it was great value for money 16 coached sessions. I still have Emma's advice in my head running now. the longevity of it - I'm still running now where as friends following an app have given up and I get to run with a great bunch of people each week.