MP Must See - Week 1!
It’s not all about training at MP!
Rest and relaxation are just as important. And since we’re all housebound for the time-being we thought we’d start a weekly “MP Must See” service!
Each week one of our coaches will recommend a television watch that is in some way related to sport, training, exercise or fitness. It might be a documentary, fiction or perhaps a feature film based on a true story. We will include some classics, but will also showcase things that are a little less well known. Some weeks recommendations will be on free platforms like YouTube, other weeks on paid streaming sites like Netflix or Prime.
We hope that this will alleviate some of the lockdown boredom and maybe even give you some inspiration for goals to train for once we’re all allowed back in the gym again!
This week’s first recommendation is freely available on YouTube and is Paul Tierney: Running The Wainwrights.
Photo credit to: Pete Aylward
Following ultra runner Paul Tierney on an epic adventure to summit all 214 Alfred Wainwright Lake District peaks in one go. His goal - to try and beat the record time of 6 days 13 hours and 1 minute, set five years earlier by fellow fell runner Steve Birkinshaw.
Needing to cover a distance of approximately 318 miles and ascend the equivalent height of four times Mt Everest, Paul knew this was his biggest challenge to date and enlisted the help of friends and family.
Battling sleep deprivation and everything the Lake District weather could throw at him, what transpired was a story that gripped not only the fell-running and ultra-running communities but also the wider sporting world.
The MP Team
Run Macclesfield | W-Group
W-Group coach & main contact Rich
Our “W-group” is programmed and led by UKA qualified Leader in Running Fitness, Richard.
Each session is suitable for c25Km Graduates and new runners able to run an average pace of 13-min/mile or faster over 5km.
Friendly and supportive, W-Group is the next step in your running journey after graduating from our Couch To 5km (C25K) course and for anyone who would like to see progression in their 5km ability.
You will learn to run as a group (without stopping) and we’ll introduce various techniques and sessions within the run.
We’ll look at further goals and how to get you there. Whether it’s completion of a Parkrun or even further distances to tackle.
The sessions incorporate coached warm ups and cool downs and the run (approx 5k) is on a 10 week progressive programme of which you can join in with at any stage. Routes are multi terrain, one week we may be pounding the pavements of Macclesfield and the next enjoying the views in the forest.
If you would like to know more about W-Group and wether this group is suitable for you, contact Richard on 07824 880961.
Want to know more about Rich?
Subscribe to our blog to be updated on all our group sessions at Macclesfield Performance and Run Macclesfield.
Run Macclesfield | T-Group
T-Group coach & main contact Natalie
Our “T-group” is programmed and led by UKA qualified coach Natalie.
Each session is suitable for runners able to run an average pace of 10-min/mile or faster over 5km.
T-Group is a 40-60 minute group running session, with a different focus each week. From road to trail, intervals to endurance, uphill to downhill running and high to low intensity – every week your coach Nat will lead you through a progressive running programme providing guidance and feedback on running technique and intensity.
Our routes are a minimum of 3-miles, but for the speedier runners in the group our ‘loop back’ drill gives an opportunity to cover more miles in the session.
Our main session is always sandwiched between a thorough warm-up and cool down and depending on the session plan, some running drills too!
If you would like to know more about T-Group and wether this group is suitable for you, contact Natalie on 07793 018123.
Want to know more about Natalie?
Subscribe to our blog to be updated on all our group sessions at Macclesfield Performance and Run Macclesfield.
News | Run Macclesfield Relaunch
March 2018 marked the start of an exciting transformation for Macclesfield Performance.
It was “out with the old, in with the new” - new equipment, new time table, new coaches and a new outlook on how we delivered our sessions to you. We are delighted to have seen the gym go from strength to strength in the last 16 months and we continue to look for ways of bringing you even more as members and regular visitors of our independent strength & performance facility in Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Run Macclesfield (Formerly DS Running Club) has been a huge part of Macclesfield Performance and we are really pleased to see that our committed running club has so many happy and dedicated runners every week.
For many years now our RM coaching team have worked hard to ensure that our runners, no matter what their ability, receive the coaching and programming they need to improve as runners.
Emma, Natalie & Rich are keen to see the club continue to grow and to stand out from the crowd, known for for the quality coaching our runners receive. As such, we will be making some exciting changes to help each of our runners become more capable within their groups and with their goals.
From end of August 2019, each group will have their own dedicated coach. The groups will be as follows:
T Group - Coached by Natalie, Tuesdays at 18.30.
W Group - Coached by Rich, Wednesdays at 18.30.
Each of the groups will be programmed by the dedicated group coach and will be multi-terrain groups, meaning all of our runners will become efficient and familiar with both road and trail running.
Each of the groups will meet at Macclesfield Performance at the allocated time slot, unless your coach has informed you otherwise with notice prior to your run day.
The group coach will offer a weekly update on the upcoming runs and locations if anything changes via our social media feeds. You can also contact the session coach directly to request information if you do not have social media access.
You will not be restricted to just one group, runners that wish to run in more than one group a week are of course invited to do so. The only condition being you must be capable, as per the group description.
We will be releasing information on each of the groups, the coaches, and what to expect from September over the next 3 weeks. Starting with information on “T Group” with Natalie, so watch this space.
Course | Couch To 5km June 2019
Running can be a scary thought if you’ve never done it before. Where do you start? How much should you do? Where should you run?
There are so many questions that are sometimes off putting enough if your confidence is already a little low.
At Run Macclesfield & Macclesfield Performance we aim to take all the unknown away to make it as simple and as exciting as possible for you to lace those trainers up and get started! So we developed our Couch To 5km course.
What is the c25km course?
Our C25km is a progressive 8 week course, under the tutelage of our two UKA accredited Running Coaches, Emma & Natalie and a UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) Rich. Who endeavour to offer you full support and programming during your learning period. We have been leading Couch To 5km Courses in Macclesfield for 5 years and our excitement for getting newbie runners to that 5km marker never fades!
The support at our C25Km courses doesn’t stop with the bare bones of the session plans and weekly group runs. Your coaches and LiRf are on hand throughout the 8 weeks to offer you all kinds of support; ranging from advice on footwear, correct running form, warm up and cool down help, training tips and so much more. The course also includes 8 weeks of “core strength” sessions to attend if you wish as part of your course content amongst lots of other helpful hints and tips along the way - laying you the perfect foundations for your new found healthy hobby.
History has proven with all of our previous C25Km courses that by end of the course you'll be tackling the distance without a moment’s thought, a fully fledged and more than capable 5km runner!
Yes - YOU!
Your course content includes two coached runs a week, Monday and Wednesday evenings at 18:30. Meeting at Macclesfield Performance on Gunco Lane, Macclesfield, and a homework run to do in your own time. Don’t worry if you aren't able to attend every single session as we have plans in place to ensure you never fall behind.
Over the last 5 years we've delivered 15 courses with over 250 course graduates. These runners have gone to achieve plenty more impressive milestones and goals with us. These include…
Continuous weekly club running with Run Macclesfield.
Involvement in other courses at Run Macclesfield & Macclesfield Performance
Park Run participation.
10km obstacle courses and local events.
Regular trail running.
Half Marathons - both road and trail.
Marathons - both road and trail.
Regular gym attendance at Macclesfield Performance.
Fat loss, better health, new found self-confidence and improved physical fitness.
We are immensely proud of all our runners and to help new runners go from strength to strength is one of our favorite things to do.
Check out some of these testimonials.
+ Jules thinks....
C25Km with Run Macclesfield was a fantastic opportunity and experience. The coaches were extremely knowledgeable, they kept an eye on your running form so they could advise you how best to improve or tweak things. The warm ups and cool downs were fantastic and the course worked! Never in a million years did I think I would be able to run 5 kilometers, now I'm doing it regularly! Most importantly... I'm enjoying doing it.
+ Rory says...
For years I tried to run 5km but I always ended up walking bits. The Run Macclesfield C25KM helped me crack how it was done and build it up. It has also been a great way to meet lots of fab people in Macclesfield.
+ Julia has found...
Joining Couch To 5km with Run Macclesfield has been a personal game changer for me. I really enjoyed the training sessions they were incredibly professional, very friendly and lots of fun. The coaches are so inclusive and so encouraging. I can now run 5km without stopping and even get up a few cheeky hills. I have continued to attend the club nights and also run with a few other of the couchers who I met on the course. Running is my new passion!
+ Jayne feels...
For me it was great value for money 16 coached sessions. I still have Emma's advice in my head running now. the longevity of it - I'm still running now where as friends following an app have given up and I get to run with a great bunch of people each week.
Running | Winter Trail Running Guide
It’s fun to be a trail runner in the winter months.
Running up in the hills in the snow, dashing round trails in the rain can be exhilarating but all too often mountain rescue and other emergency services are called out to assist people who just aren’t properly equipped to be out exploring the local hills and countryside.
Be you a newbie to trail running or perhaps you see yourself as a bit of a “pro”. Preparation is essential to keeping yourself safe and prevent unnecessary call outs and the use of stretched and limited emergency resources.
Mountain rescue are an invaluable resource, run by a team of volunteers. Looking after yourself means that you can prevent an emergency and potentially life threatening situation before it occurs.
Dress according to the weather and always carry layers. If you fall over and sprain your ankle for example you are going to get cold fast and even the layers you have on are not going to keep you warm for long in winter conditions. Carry a waterproof jacket (with taped seams) and a foil blanket. Pack a warm hat and gloves.
ALWAYS wear a good pair of well fitted trail shoes. The good grip will help prevent you from slipping on varied surfaces and uneven terrain.
Running in shorts and t-shirt in the snow might look “hardcore” but full length running tights are better advised… if your muscles are cold while you run you are at a higher risk of injury. Wrap up in warm breathable clothing designed for runners. There are great running tights for both men and women, so guys, don’t think that this advice is not for you!
Remember how unpredictable the weather can be. Temperatures can fall very quickly, sudden downpours of rain or high wind and snow can be upon you in a matter of minutes… Be prepared – we live in the North of England!
Plan your route, take a map if you are unsure of the area and have a GPS device to help with navigation.
ALWAYS make sure someone knows where you are running. A rough route and the time you expect you’ll be back is all they will need to know but this tiny piece of information can mean the difference between life and death in some circumstances. Then arrange to call that person when you finish your run as a check in. If nobody knows where you are then that can mean a lot of ground to cover looking for you should something go wrong and a lot of lost time if know one realises you are missing in the first place.
Carry a fully charged phone, you should always be able to call emergency services even without signal.
Where possible run with a group… “safety in numbers”.
Carry food and water, if you end up going off track and adding extra miles in you want to have enough fuel with you to recharge your batteries. Drained energy levels can mean you tire quickly and get yourself into trouble if you have a long way to go. An energy gel, cereal bar or some sweets can be a great pick me up to keep you going both mentally as well as physically.
If you are out on a long run or running later in the day carry a head torch… Runs don’t always go to plan and you should be prepared if it were to get dark sooner than expected.
Carry a whistle to alert other trail users /emergency services to you should you run into trouble.
If you are running somewhere that you don’t know at all and are not experienced at map reading why not hire an experienced guide or join the local running clubs whilst you are in the area. Look on the Fell Runners Association website for local races or look up races that are fully marked and run them whilst you are away… It’s a great way to learn new routes and run safely.
If you are new to trail running join a running group or run with an experienced running coach. They’ll be able to give you loads of valuable trail running advice from technique, to kit and you get to learn trail routes being led by experienced runners and with the safety of a group. You can then go back and run these routes on your own as you become more confident!
Stay Safe, Happy Trail Running!